Friday, July 16, 2010

MittenSchoen (Day Two)

After 2 years in LA, I felt I had to get back to my roots. To walk among my people and feel like I have come home...


...or just engage in some Very Cliche Dutch Activity.

The west side of the state is home to many things. The first and most important: Grandma!


3 generations, and you can definitely tell we're related. Grandma time is always good (except for the part where she paged through my yearbook and said "very nice...lot of foreigners". After a stunned silence, my mom bravely volunteered that California is very diverse. Grandma nodded slowly, and probably forgot the conversation 3 minutes later).

After that it was off to lunch with my friend P. For some reason I forgot to take pictures at this leg of the trip; I think we were too busy gabbing. You'll just have to trust me when I say it was a good time, and lunch was very good, except the avocados in MI just don't do it for me anymore... one more thing California has ruined me for.

With a whole afternoon ahead of us, we pushed westward to Holland, Michigan, home of the Dutch Village. I think the pictures will explain it pretty well.




Also, I got a little pair of Delft Blue ceramic shoes to go on my bookshelf, which were wrapped up for me by the tallest teenager (so very Dutch looking) that I've seen in a long while.

After a quick trip to Lake Michigan...


The last stop on the tour was Saugatuck.


I have no idea how this little town, nestled in the midst of conservative west Michigan, ended up being the most gay-friendly and generally liberal town in the state. It's also home to some of the cutest shops, and if we hadn't had to turn back for the 2+ hour drive home, I'm sure I would have spent way too much of my rapidly dwindling money.



Oh yeah, and here's my dad striking a victory pose as we refueled in Okemos:


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