Thursday, July 15, 2010

Mittenscape - Day One

It's always nice to head back to Michigan, but this trip was especially nice. After a few months of craziness (and I am by no means out of the woods yet unfortunately) it was a relief to slide back into the green humidity of my home state, and see familiar and comforting faces.

The first day found me in Lansing. SAM_0451 I got to see my brother, sister-in-law and most importantly, my nephew, C. We all went to P.F. Chang's and got wild....not really. But my mom did knock over her wine glass while attempting to make the baby laugh. After the sound of shattering glass echoed through the restaurant, my mom froze and her eyes shifted from side to side like a 3 year old caught too close to the cookie jar. A waiter appeared as if from nowhere and had the mess under control in seconds. Then my brother knocked over a bowl of sauce, and it took about thousand napkins to mop up. Amazingly, the waitstaff was still being nice to us despite our glass-and-vinegar covered table.

Also, I had a traditional Chinese dessert of red velvet cake :)

Also, this kid is SO CUTE!!!



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