Sunday, July 18, 2010

MittenLanders - Day Four

Day four was mostly consumed with job hunting.

I had submitted an application to work with the Youth Orchestra of Los Angeles, and they had promised to call me that day for a "brief phone conversation" (translation: they are considering SO MANY people that they have to narrow it down by phone first, so not good odds). I had no way of knowing that this job and I were not meant to be, so the morning was spent looking at recipes for the Meulenberg Olympics the following day, watching the Big Bang Theory, and fretting and trying to think of what they were going to ask me.

Oh yeah, and I also visited with my other grandma in the morning, who lives much closer.


Having bombed the phone interview (I didn't think it went too terribly, but they did not call back, so I must have said something wrong) I went shopping for the ingredients for chocolate strawberry shortcakes, my chosen recipe for the family get-together. And then I went to dinner with A and S, who are high school friends of mine.

A cat also came to visit, and hang out by the pool.


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