Literally everywhere I looked, I could remember things. Remember when I got lost on the way to the interview. Remember when I thought that the "Waffle Farm" campground was a funny name. Remember when I thought this town was perfect for me for awhile, and when I knew it was time to leave.
My first stop was to see one of my favorite people in Coldwater, who is also leaving. I knew this might be the last time we got to hang out in person, so I was very glad to get the chance. We talked, he showed me his house with all its boxes almost ready to go, and then his wife showed me the new house they are moving to. It is the exact opposite of my little apartment in the big city, and they seem very happy with it. I also got to see his 2 sons, both of whom I had the privilege of teaching. Once again, I did not manage to snap any pictures because, well, I just forgot to.
After that, and before an early dinner with other friends, I toured the town. It took about an hour:
My old school
My old door to the outside world
The water tower (this thing always creeped me out and made me feel like I was living in the town where "In Cold Blood" took place)
The front window of the school, and proof that Positive Behavioral Support is indeed running rampant across the whole country, thankfully taking the place of Assertive Discipline but still not as good as Love and Logic
The drive-in theater, probably the coolest feature of the town!
I also made a quick trip to Minnetonka Moccasins, but did not buy anything.
After that it was time to head over to dinner, with my friends M, M, S and A. It's always good to catch up with people, especially people who seem to erase the 2 years I was gone. My time in LA felt like a long weekend, and we fell into dinner like it was just another payday Friday.
After dinner I headed over to B and D's, and they drove me back to the school so I could actually get inside my old room!! I was smugly elated to find many things exactly the way I left them (argue all you want, but this is proof that most of the changes I made were, in fact, somewhat logical).
From my first year of teaching:
Time to head home :(
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