The sad truth about this city is that not everyone who arrives here gets to stay. I was reminded of this last night, overhearing (hard not to, she was sitting outside 10 feet from my window)
Princess Hollywood's story of woe. Acting = didn't take off. Side job = didn't work out. Unemployment = almost gone. It was very hard to hear about her packing things, shipping things, and retreating on her last dime back to her hometown. I hope my story never turns to that.
While things like this do happen, I have the utmost respect for Princess Hollywood (even as I mock her), because she took a risk. When I left MI, several people confided to me that they had always wanted to do what I did; to Pack Up and Ship Out and Make It Big In the Big City. When I asked why they never did exactly that, the response was always the same: fear. Fear of not knowing anyone, of new things and people, fear of The Big City Itself, etc. In fact, one of my colleagues who knew I was leaving my job as early as January, didn't fully believe me until April when I officially resigned for the coming school year.
Me: Well, I did it.
Other teacher: did what?
Me: I told the principal I'm not coming back next year.
O.T. : Oh. Oh wow.
Me: Yup.
O.T. So you're like...actually going. Wow.
Me: I said I was.
O.T. Yeah, but I didn't think you'd really DO it, Becky.
So for all the people out there who didn't do it: You should. If you really want to do it, then make it happen. Find that job. Move that family. Set up your life in your own personal paradise, and if it doesn't work, then at least you'll know you tried.
Princess Hollywood, I'll wave at the sign for you the next time I'm driving by.