Saturday, June 26, 2010

Cattus Giganticus

Yes, this post is about my cats. I understand that this pretty much rules out the prospect of me ever becoming a "decent" blogger. I understand that not many people actually want to read a post about my cats. I understand that this is the second post about my cats to appear on this blog.

Skip it if you don't feel like it.

Long story short, Peyton had his first hairball today. SAM_0101 This is the kind of thing I see and expect from my other cat, who is basically a walking mop with yellow eyes and a squeaky voice. But Peyton has been having issues, and now I think we know why. Which means it was time to break out the Petromalt and see how he reacted. Oh boy.

My fluffy cat, Duke, does not like the stuff. I have tried showing it to him and getting him to lick it off my finger. No dice. I have tried mixing it with his food. Uh-uh. I have tried sneaking up on him and opening his mouth, and scraping it quickly onto his teeth in the manner of peanut butter. If Duke could talk, his response would be "Aw, HELL no!" with a vigorous tail shake to
accompany. SAM_0107
So usually what happens is, I smear the stuff on his paw and then watch him run from room to room, trying to shake it off and being furiously indignant that I would violate the Cat Code of Cleanliness.

Unfortunately, I found out today that Peyton is exactly the same. Except he doesn't lick the stuff off his paw. He is literally letting it sit there, and now he is going to punish me by making me clean sticky stuff off of probably every surface in my apartment.

The next cat I get will be bald.

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